Friday, July 26, 2024

The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study Ratings


Candido Brown
One of the most commonly used reading assessment scales for fourth graders across various countries is the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). Considered a global standard for literacy and conducted every five years since 2001, PIRLS features internationally comparative data on how children read and comprehend material and rates how effective countries are at teaching reading. The rating also integrates contextual factors such as the educational system structure and students' home environments and learning support...

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Monday, July 8, 2024

Published: Assessments as Part of the Lesson Planning Template

Effective Tactics to Boost Reading Scores


Reading scores have reached alarming lows, with only 33 percent of fourth graders and 31 percent of eighth graders proficient in reading. While the pandemic worsened the situation, the decline started before 2020. Several evidence-based tactics can improve reading scores...

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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Rules of the Road for Cyclists

Candido Brown

Conservative estimates suggest that more than 50 million Americans ride a bicycle at least once per year, making cycling one of the most popular outdoor activities in the nation. Other studies indicate these estimates are low, and as many as one of three Americans cycles at least once per year. Cycling improves strength, coordination, and circulatory health, among other benefits.

Read full article on Candido's Weebly

Published: Addressing Gaps in Literacy Education and Grade-Level Work

Published: The Benefits of Teacher Training Programs

I published “The Benefits of Teacher Training Programs” on @Medium